Repair and Rebuild Services

Nuttall Gear provides comprehensive services that are designed to keep your rotating machinery in operation. Our extensive experience in gear drive applications, combined with the total manufacturing and design capabilities of Nuttall/Delroyd, enables us to provide you with a single, comprehensive source for improving your productivity, and offers you a cost-effective repair solution for any manufacturer's gear drive.

Comprehensive services for any manufacturer’s gear drive:

Allen Gear Foote-Jones Nuttall Gear
Amarillo General Electric Philadelphia Gear
Brad Foote Holroyd Renk
Chemineer Flender Renold
Cleveland Gear Hansen Rexnord
Cone Drive Horsburg & Scott Sterling
D.O. James Lightinin Sumitomo
David Brown Link-Belt Western
DeLaval Lufkin Westinghouse*
Delroyd Worm Gear Maag WestTech
Falk Marley Wilson Gear
Farrel Mixco Winsmith


Comprehensive services include the inspection, remanufacturing and repair of all manufacturers’ helical and worm gear drives. With our Maag SP160 gear checker, gears are measured and charted for lead, profile, spacing, runout, and composite accuracy. Precise measurements of housings are achievable with use of computer controlled coordinate measuring machine. Contact checks of mating gears can be verified in the housing, or on our precision contact checking stand. In addition to our general machining capabilities, we have in-house heat treatment facilities, spray welding and dynamic balancing equipment.



Nuttall’s strong application and design engineering experience has earned us a reputation for producing high- quality and unique helical and worm gear drives. Reverse engineering, ratio changes and drive configuration changes are available for all manufacturers’ gear drives. Increased ratings are often achieved with changes in gear geometry, heat-treating processes, improved gear accuracy, or thermal capacity.


Nuttall‘s engineers can develop mathematical models to perform a torsional system study. This system study can be used to determine the natural frequencies of the system for comparison to the forcing frequencies of the components. Coincident frequencies can produce system resonance resulting in severe overload. A change in components can often eliminate system resonance.


From inspection and teardown to reassembly and complete unit testing, each step is planned and executed within the requirements of our Quality Management System. Our program was designed to meet the strict requirements of the nuclear industry as well as the world recognized standards established by ISO9001:2000. Documented traceability for materials, processes, and testing is part of the Quality Management System that applies to all service work.

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